July UK border changes from the EU
On the 1st July 2022, previously deferred UK border controls, on the importing of animal health products and Safety and Security declarations, will come into force.
From 1st July 2022 you will need to provide safety and security information about goods you are bringing into Great Britain from the European Union.
Since January of this year all animal product shipments have required a pre-notification to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), which is done separately to import customs clearance on the Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS).
From July, import documents will need to have the Unique Notification Number (UNN) – that the IPAFFS system generates – displayed on the accompanying health certificate.
An original health certificate must also travel with your shipment from July, along with copies of all the other documents. A photocopy of the health certificate will no longer be accepted if an inspection is required.
Shipments of animal products and other port health controlled goods, will need to enter the UK through a port that has an assigned Border Control Post (BCP, either on the port or local to it.
Shipments selected for inspection, need to be presented to the BCP with all supporting documentation, including an original health certificate.
UK border changes, 1st July 2022
1. Mandatory security declarations – ENS
2. Mandatory certification for most veterinary and phytosanitary cargo
3. Cargo inspection at Border Control Posts
1. Mandatory security declarations – ENS
Prior to entry into the UK, an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) will be required for all cargo as of 1st July 2022.
2. Mandatory certification for most veterinary and phytosanitary cargo
From 1st July 2022, a health certificate is required for import into the UK for much of the veterinary and phytosanitary cargo, including:
– all regulated animal by-products
– all regulated plants and plant products
– meat and all meat products
– all other foodstuffs not of animal origin with a high risk profile
3. Cargo inspection at Border Control Posts
The UK will inspect the veterinary and phytosanitary cargo at the external border from 1st July 2022, at designated Border Control Posts (BCP).
Changes to customs clearance procedures for dairy, fish, composite, and all other port health controlled products will follow the same process as animal products, with original health certificates and copies of all other paperwork required to accompany your shipment.
Checks to these products will be applied as follows:
– Dairy products: from September 2022.
– Fish, composite, and all other port health controlled products: from November 2022.
We are at the forefront of delivering UK border customs brokerage solutions, with our automated CudDoS declaration platform and a dedicated team of 40 customs experts.
Our CuDoS customs brokerage platform is optimised, in line with the regimes in force on both sides of the Channel, including security (ENS) declarations and veterinary and phytosanitary cargo.
Automating and submitting customs declarations and associated paperwork, CuDoS simplifies compliant border processing, for imports and exports.
To discuss your situation and to learn how we automate customs declarations for businesses of all sizes, please contact Elliot Carlile to talk through the options.